Monday, June 12, 2017

Charlie Potatoes

Charlie Potatoes 

Interactive map of 3 Charlie Potatoes properties on Bachelor View Rd. Not many trees on it.
Note that the adjoining property also has a Designated Forestland classification also viewed at this Interactive Map At least it looks more like forestland!

These three Charlie Potatoes properties totaling 8.2 acres show in the Interactive Map that requirements for Designated Forestland stocking growth may not have not been met.  That is a technical matter of evaluation.  Regardless, these properties are in a residential zoned area within the city limits of Bend that does not allow agriculture timberland use.  They therefore must be disqualified from Forestland Designation and appropriate disqualification penalties applied.  Total 2016 tax for all 3 properties was $65.00  total Real market Value on the assessor record is $1,532,366.00

Tax Lots owned by Charlie Potatoes:  Each is in a Residential Standard RS zone within the city of Bend and designated Forestland Property Class: 640 Forest taxed at that rate with no structures on it.

These 3 properties have been assessed for 13 years at the Designated Forestland assessment rate close to the 2016-17 rate of  $74.88 per acre.  It is unknown how long these properties have officially been in a city zoned RS area.  In that time they should show a very visible growth of trees on the property if it is managed in compliance with the requirements of: 
1. Application For Forestland Designation.

2. Department of Revenue OAR 150-321-0810 Minimum Stocking and Acreage Requirements for Designation as Forestland in Eastern Oregon.

3. 2017 Forestland Manual 150-303-424 (Rev. 04-17)

  2D3. Required elements of the application:..
Whether or not the land has been platted under ORS Chapter 92. After platting and subsequent disqualification, the new parcels may re-qualify for designation by application. This information is to alert the assessor to verify that additional taxes have been paid prior to re-qualifying the land as designated forestland. 
It is required that at least one-fifth (20 percent), but not less than 2 acres, of the area in the plan be planted by December 31 of the first assessment year that the land is designated as forestland. Each year after, a minimum of one-fifth (20 percent) of the area must be planted, in addition to the previous year’s requirements. At the end of the fifth year after the assessor approves designation, 100 percent of the area in the plan must be planted. The assessor may grant extensions to planting requirements if a loss of planted stock occurs due to conditions beyond the control of the landowner. 

2H. County monitoring and maintenance
The county is responsible for monitoring lands that have been approved as designated forestland.  It is recommended that the assessor set up a routine schedule of contacting landowners or site inspection to determine if the land continues to meet the minimum stocking and species requirements. The assessor should also monitor deeds and other documents as they are recorded in the county to assist in monitoring these properties.
ORS 321.359 directs the assessor to remove the special assessment of designated forestland when certain events occur [See ORS 321.359(1)(b)]. See “Disqualification” chapter of this manual for detailed information. 

Overview of 3 Charlie Potatoes properties:


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