Thursday, November 23, 2017

Assessor Helion contract ORCAT

Helion is a Simplifile partner:

Oregon counties participating in ORCATS:

Deschutes County ORCAT audit 2007:

CAMA Software Vendors Report Washington State

Oregon Department of Revenue Property Appraisal Program Training Rev 5-2017
Ratio Analysis:
Ratio analysis: A ratio study compares the RMV of property on the tax roll to current sales prices The conclusions arrived at through the ratio study are used to adjust roll values to market value as of the assessment date Ratio studies are also used to identify areas that may need reappraisal The assessor is required to complete a ratio study each year For an in-depth discussion on ratio analysis, see Chapter 7 

Ratio study. The assessor’s certified ratio study required by ORS 309 200 and filed with the clerk of
the Board of Property Tax Appeals by October 15 each year The contents must comply with OAR 150- 309-0240 and the current Assessor’s Ratio Procedures Manual This study estimates the percentage relationship between the total prior year’s RMV of taxable property on the prior assessment roll and the total current RMV of the same properties in each property class countywide, by month and quarter, and by sale date

The Oregon Constitution limits the rate of growth of property value subject to taxation. The limit is based on a property's maximum assessed value (MAV). MAV can't increase by more than 3-percent each year, unless there are changes to the property, such as the addition of a new structure, improvement of an existing structure, or subdivision or partition of the property. 

ArcGIS Land administration:  

Sue Martin, County Assessor, gave a brief history of ORCATS/Helion software conversion from the antiquated system in 2006, conversion from consortium based ownership to Helion ownership of software. She reviewed the increase in cost associated with cost of living and potential to host web query on the county website in the future rather than contract with Helion to host the web query and web maps. Sue explained that the 2015 contract is being amended to include the updated costs. County Counsel has already reviewed this amendment and it is now ready for Board action. With that, Commissioner Magruder moved and Commissioner Tardif seconded to approve Amendment #2 to the contract with Helion Services. The motion carried unanimously.

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